Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Setting Sail!

A day of names. Waiting to hear from men before she could do the final casting. Then calling, getting either excited actors or answering machines. Two men fell through and created a last-minute shuffle. Then another boy. Lindsey sent out messages and phone calls to three men she'd either never met or barely knew. Some parts needed to be tweaked. Others needed to be added. She ended the night, still lacking a child for Washington's part.
But people began to shuffle into places.
7:00 the next day, she had to have the scripts finished and printed and work out the rehearsal schedule. It was not an easy task and she settled in bed at 10:17 to begin the adding of the parts, the tweaking of lines. Tomorrow (hopefully after a few hours of sleep) she would have the day to confirm the rest of the men in the cast. Then work out the schedule.
Her facebook began to show comments by her cast, telling their part, asking about others. It was fun to see their excitement even as she watched thinking, "I'm doing this. I'M doing this."
All of it.
Being an actress was one thing.
Writing the script, directing, gathering and creating props, over-seeing costumes, blocking the script, finding a crew to run lights, sound. Gathering songs and special effects.
God had promised to provide all her needs and today was the beginning of a long journey of faith, that he would either provide her with what she needed or who she needed to what she needed.
It was shameful to see how she could bubble over about how God answered her prayer and provided so many things one moment - then reminding him that he'd forgotten to send out the kid and she wasn't sure about this casting arrangement and was she really supposed to be playing the French girl that she hadn't expected to play at all?
Shouldn't she just be off the stage as a silent character who could walk around and get her stuff done?
She didn't know. But it was going to be a long night and feeling slightly dizzy, she glanced at the clock.
10:22 PM.
Time to go to work.

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