"Some other Hand than mine was on that helm during the night." - Captain Arthur Rostron, reflecting on his safe passage among the icebergs to the lifeboats.
Lindsey loaded the car for the second night of auditions, feeling more excited than nervous, though she'd had trouble concentrating for the entire day. Walking into the theater, found a vastly different scene than the day before. Actors were waiting. A whole group of the Palace Players from Willy Wonka showed up. A few kids from the highschool. A few from middle school.
As auditions got underway Josh carried himself into the theater, and Lindsey went to meet him, excited he'd come. He had been up since 7 AM the morning before and here and even going on 36 hours without sleep, he read well. And first, since he needed to go home.
The group read and visited, read and hung out until the tornado warnings sent everyone home, twenty minutes before auditions officially ended.
Then the arranging began. Bumping names from place to place, fitting people together. Considering how the script could be tweaked.
She had more women than parts - and fell short of two young men. But a phone call offered two names - one of whom she'd been hoping to cast anyway but was afraid of conflicts.
The next morning after laying awake watching lightening in the sky, she smiled. God had brought out people. Enough that she would not be cutting characters - she might be adding them. Two men had yet to get back to tell if they could do the parts. She still lacked a young boy but every time she picked up the phone to make some calls, God said "wait." So she did, but she couldn't help reminding him how easy it would be for him to move Tex's date.
There were problems. Others who wanted to audition but hadn't gotten the call about the updates. Unsure of how to fairly work things out, she considered the options. Should she put them in as extras and background? Write some more small parts?
She wasn't sure.
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